Tommy Craddock free on $10 bond after altercation with his girlfriend

54-year-old Tommy Craddock had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend and roommate, Dawn White, at their Blanton Avenue trailer late May 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Craddock, who advised them that he and White argued about her son, which resulted in him removing the memory foam mattress from their bed and placing it in the kitchen. Craddock told officers that White saw the mattress, she told him she would “fight him all night.” Then, White spoke with the police and stated Craddock had become upset because she did not give him money for pills. White added that Craddock pushed her out of the way when she tried to get her purse, making her believe he was attempting to harm her. Craddock was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 22nd.