Chad Buck approaches wife aggressively, rips purse during altercation

41-year-old Chad Jensen Buck had a domestic incident with his wife, Bambi Rose Harman, at their Rural Hill Drive residence late August 2nd. When officers arrived, Harman provided them with footage showing Buck moving a table out of the way before approaching Harman aggressively. She stated that she was in fear of bodily injury during the incident. Then, officers observed a ripped-up purse that Harman stated Buck had damaged during their verbal dispute. Officers saw Buck drinking a beer and deemed him intoxicated due to his alcoholic odor. Buck was then taken into custody for domestic assault on August 3rd.

Timothy Davis throws girlfriend onto asphalt during altercation at Café 24/7

24-year-old Timothy Laquan Davis had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Christina Oglesby, at Café 24/7 in the early hours of July 6th. When officers arrived, they spoke with a witness who pointed out Davis. He had a cut on his lip and had been pepper sprayed by security. Officers investigated and obtained video footage showing Davis pushing Oglesby against the wall outside the establishment. After this, Davis throws Oglesby onto the asphalt. When Oglesby and Davis were questioned about the incident, both said they did not remember it occurring. Davis was then taken into custody for domestic assault.