Jerrie Coleman yells at police after causing scene at Embassy Suites

36-year-old Jerrie Coleman was seen publicly intoxicated near Embassy Suites on Demonbreun Street on June 1st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Coleman’s girlfriend, who stated that Coleman was involved in another incident and was upset that officers were conducting an investigation. The staff of Embassy Suites wanted Coleman and his group to leave the property, but while in the parking lot, Coleman began yelling and cursing at officers and his family, who attempted to calm him down. Officers warned Coleman to calm down numerous times, but he refused and continued yelling. Coleman also approached officers while yelling, having to be pulled back by his friends and family. He showed numerous indicators of intoxication, as well as the smell of alcohol emitting from his body. Coleman was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.